When the central plot arc is essentially a rivalry that blooms into romance, chemistry between the leads is extremely important.
When the central plot arc is essentially a rivalry that blooms into romance, chemistry between the leads is extremely important.
The sad irony is that they could have avoided all that if they'd simply portrayed Venom as he was originally conceived: a bulkier, more powerful, slightly-less-clever Spider-man. With a normal mouth full of normal human teeth, too, not the perpetually drooling feral creature feature that he became.
I agree. It was an unnecessary tale well-told.
Oh, I believe it. I know it's not a coincidence. Just as far as I'm concerned it makes for good television but lousy entertainment, if you follow me.
While I think you're being needlessly harsh, I don't fundamentally disagree with most of your points.
I understand that. Nevertheless.
Tebow was weird. He was like the worst player at the poker table who still wins the occasional huge pot by getting just the right card on the river.
Credit to Revis: I thought he did an outstanding job of taking Nelson out of the game. Jordy got separation on 1-2 plays over the course of 4 quarters, and it's simply because it was Rodgers/Nelson that three feet of on-field distance turned into a touchdown.
The Patriots 'pass rush' gave Aaron Rodgers 12 goddamn seconds in the pocket to find an open man, and he still had to throw it away.
I'm pretty sure that Fry was just dumb because he was dumb. The "missing brain wave" thing came in handy against the Giant Floating Brains 'n such but I don't recall it ever explaining why he was such a manchild.
That would have been really interesting. I find Leela's one-note hyper competence a bit grating at times, given that literally everyone else in the universe is an assortment of weirdoes and goofballs.
I actually thought 'The Wild Green Yonder' the strongest of the four. Not exactly a tour de force, and the "Dark Ones" thing was just kind of nonsensical, but it had a surprising number of solid gags.
I mourn for "Arcturan Fats", though.
'Resisting arrest' is just a fabulous catch-all, a Gordian knot of tortured logic enabling police to put anyone into custody (or worse) at any time, for literally no reason at all.
Come on, you know advertising/propaganda doesn't work that way. Of course there are no jetpacks or nano-drones. Taylor Kitsch probably won't be there either. So what?
Here's a funny thing: I know I'm getting old because for the first time in my life I found myself being made a little uncomfortable by a marketing campaign for a video game.
Ha, yeah. The only reason I piped up in the first place is that I've known couples like that, and in something as inherently one-sided as an advice column it's trivially easy to paint the partner as an alcoholic.
Because it's commonly accepted that wearing a costume to fight crime is silly and there's a lot of evidence to that effect. One can say that a thing would be 'silly in real life' without dismissing its merit.