
So the moral of the story is that doing heroin makes you write great movies.

Why is Tom Hanks all the way to the left?

Now hurry up with my damn croissants, you rude thoughtless little pig!!

Bullshit. I never watched an episode of Community in my life. But when I heard they were gonna have Lavar Burton on, I had to check that shit out.

I always thought it was some sort of cyclical thing. He was crying when he met the girl because he had just had his heart broken by a previous girlfriend. Now he's getting dumped again, and the cycle continues.

I could see Ned and Groundskeeper Willie hooking up.

As a kid, I always associated hospitals as the only place grown men were allowed to touch my penis. It was already terrifying enough.

Theme of the series: not getting laid makes you want to kill people.

She showed she has some great physical comedy chops in that scene where she stabbed Walter with a knife.

And less than Miley Cyrus. For their next album, they need to hire washed up 40 year old record producers to write all their songs.

"Normal People" has a very Bad Religion vibe to me. It's a good song, but definitely out of place on this album.

The shower is clearly a euphemism for San Francisco.

Baby pinis.

1/10. Not enough Reggae music. I love Reggae music.

Really? I love both, but Monty Python was far from anti-comedy.

If you buy this album on Amazon, you get the demo version of "Petite Feet."