
i understand why and how the aliens and humans have sex, but can they procreate?

i think people, including the reviewer, is misreading this show, and the nanotech.

i dont understand the ending. after the rescue from the bear, jamie had exactly the same leverage as before.

directed by michelle mclaren, from Breaking Bad.

i really loved this. this sorta happened to me when i was playing D&D and my friends kept ribbing me about this girl, a very sensitive topic for me. i used to hate it when your friends bring in the outside world to an escapist fantasy game.

yeah. i started season 4. awesome….

that fight scene was epic tho. brutal.

well, its clear that merlyn  is way way better than queen at fighting.

dont think it was raining :) but the sky was dark…

This was a fine episode. i think if you have a problem with the triangle, you will have a problem with this show. the triangle isnt going away.

no way — stan hasnt given any indication about reneging on his promise on exfiltration.

hehe… i was mostly kidding, but i sorta missed it.

is it me or has the sexposition disappeared?

the randomness of the last hour's tasks is a big turnoff in AR.

i guess my concern with AR is if it possible to improve the last hour at all.

its Bludhaven. its german, so people wont notice its really bloodhaven.

in russia, the show forgets to watch you!!!

i have 3 issues:

when keri russel was listening to that tape, i had a flashback to felicity, listening and making her own tapes to that voiceover friend of hers.

i think we saw some martha nipples.