
one small point: i really enjoyed the brief car chase.

yeah, i agree. i hope nothing truly tragic happens.

ur not alone here. i too fear the day when the bugle will be purely andy zaltzman. (no offense andy!)

my reply would be that as mayor, she would have been expected to lead the exodus out of the city, and as such, would be unavailable to extract what it is they want to extract.

sex is a kinda magic, man…

i'm with u @avclub-2eacc82231f2e62f9acb38bece54635e:disqus .

i love that dog. what breed is that? chowchow - alaskan huskie mix?

right on man. this cheating should be a major plot point for peter in the next season. it will also be the way eli is justified to be included in the cast next season.

she's been loyal to that firm for 4 seasons. lets shake things up.

no one's commented on the shado part? cmon… she is so pretty…

i think you mean "Arrow, fuck yah!"

yeah, throwing jim phelps under the boss soured me on that film.

yeah, i love that "he's the BELL OF THE BALL", but this other guy is a piece of shit… and its totally random…

i discovered jeselnik in maron's WTF. he basically said the same thing there.

I love this show.

my fav joke is when they killed the fairy. "thats for being confusing!" haha… he was!

i agree with oleanna — growing strong is the "lean forward" of family words.

i see what you did there, but i'll forget it by tomorrow.

oh yeah, this porn site used to feature spartacus sex scenes every week. thats how I found the show!

I should confess that i first learned about this show on a porn website. In the first season, there was lots and lots of sex and nudity.