Zombie Phil Dunphy

Say what you want about Michael Bay
The guy has brains. Sweet beautiful delicious brainnnnnnnns.

LL Cool J
Sorry had to say it…Mama said knock you out!

In my humble internet opinion they are both good shows. Community almost always surprises me, and Modern Family is sometimes too obvious. Sometimes though, I am too smug in thinking I know where this is going, and the show has a blindsiding effect. If I had to pick one, it would be Community by a smidge.

Another awesome episode! If you ain't white, you ain't right!

Mixed bag
This episode had some strong isolated moments but overall it didn't completely gel. How many times can we expect that the ENTIRE office gets together outside of work. These people don't all like each other that much. And an episode centered on Glee…just made me queasy. Anyway some of the one liners were good.