
As per Oh No, Not Again's suggestion, here's a compilation I made for a friend that got her into B & S. Note: there's no Fold your Hands… or Storytelling tracks because I don't like the former or own the latter.

why would you be proud of knowing who the darkness were before anyone else? wouldn't that give the hipster's a reason to shun you forever?

banned, I'm pretty ashamed of myself, I don't know how I managed that slip of the keyboard, especially as I don't like Kevin Smith. A lesser man might blame his alcoholism for this one but I typed this post a half hour before I left work for the weekend, meaning I'd only just started drinking.

Harbringer, between this, the rabid Bowie fandom and a few other things you've said which I can't remember because of my drinking problem, you're pretty damn awesome.

oh, and not to get too obscure but all of Comic Strip Presents… Eddie Monsoon: A Life, especially the talk show interview where they discuss why his only British show was canceled: "Everybody knows Channel 4 is a haven for homosexuals and child pornography and my show had both!"

Silent Bob + rakes
Unrelentingly hilarious, I'm chuckling a little just writing it, like Mr Burns when he thinks of that old crippled Irishman.

I could never really 'get' Burl, but I'm proud to say that ZMF's twitter is the first twitter I have ever seen… and it was an amazing introduction to the phenomenon.

man, this reminds me of when I quit my job at the police last night. Much like Louis, I was a maverick in a (Vetting and Validation) department that did things by the book. I was glad to go but, still, surrendering my badge (temporary staff pass) and gun (swipe card) did hurt a little.

Fuck [my] momma, I'm talking about you and me, toe to toe Ra B-I-N.

vs. FFT
How does it compare to Final Fantasy Tactics? losing a character in the ps1 version was devastating but these days you have to really work (and be on the wrong battlefield) for anyone to die.

"I'm one of the few people who have written more books than they've read"

Pulp Fiction
I'm not sure where it is anymore but I had a first edition of Sirens of Titan, with an awesomely trashy pulp cover and po-faced tagline ("A remarkable and terrifying novel of how life might be for the space travelers of the future")

I'm really starting to wonder about our place in the narrative structure of this war!

Hi guys, just wanted to drop by and say have fun, tonight should be a free fire idea zone, watch a dvd, eat some pizza… fuck each other.. I'm serious, fuck a chicken if thats what it takes. Watch a chicken fucking a horse.

there's a poster running around these boards with the avatar and name of Dr. Rick Dagless.

My brother wasn't optimistic it could be done, but I didn't take 'wasn't optimistic it could be done' for an answer!

wow, this John fellow certainly has a lot to say about Nicole Kidman.

I was hoping the biscuits being Gingernuts would provide an excuse to insult Murray but perhaps they were chosen for practical reasons. I can't imagine a chocolate digestive lasting the trip from Wellington to New York.

partdavid, the 'racist jar' is a call-back to the first episode of the BBC series and was brilliant.

I think it's because he's a dick who never has anything of value to add yet still adds it to every thread on almost every article.