
The opening scene also had a true x-files shot. There was a tall actor with a Mulder haircut, and a shorter actress with red Scully hair. The camera shot them from behind as they watched the plane crash. Total X-Files. 
BTW this was an amazing Fringe episode on so many levels. I had a feeling the writers would pull

Bigtits McPlotdevice made the show more soap-opera-y, which is something I thought that CC purposely tried to avoid

I agree @Dumbledore, "one in 5 billion" is a great line. Todd did mention this scene, but he did not quote it directly. He said it could be interpreted as a non-romantic line, which I agree with.

Yes, Victor Garber has a great sex appeal. I love how he's always has a tinge of contempt in his voice when talking to someone who he thinks is wasting his time. He is a total badass.

Castle and Bones are well suited to show together on the same night. I think someone else mentioned this in a different thread.

@English Teacher, You are right. I am a little ashamed now.

Also, John Noble is awesome!

I too hope that it makes it past the 4th season. If it doesn't I hope Fox gives them enough warning so they can give us a good ending. Also, I hope that more people get into Fringe over the summer so the numbers can be better for season 4.

Pusher is a great episode.
While Zach mentioned that Scully was cold and Bill Scully-ish in in Kitzungari. One of the things that this episode lacked ( that Pusher had) was the warm report between Mulder and Scully. If I remember correctly, they seemed to be barely tolerating each other in this episode. This could be