
The watch trick
So that was a real thing? I love that bit.

So that is Schwartzman singing the title song? I thought it sounded a little like him.


How the scene strikes me
I definitely see the paranoia and eeriness that Mike points out, but it's always seemed to me like Janet Leigh was fucking with Sinatra, trying to get some banter going. It seems like really deadpan "humor," so deadpan in fact that I'd be reluctant to call it humor if I thought there was a

Phillip Baker Hall
Something about that guy is just naturally funny to me. Any of you guys seen Hard Eight? That part where he goes "this…is a really fucked-up situation"? Hilarious.

What has science done!?
This is an abomination. In my day, the AV Club website didn't have a metallic glean, and all the commenters could do if they wanted to give feedback on an article was to leave a comment.

If there was an AV Club: Tampa I could write a column on cigars. I mean, I don't know anything about cigars, but I could write it. It could be called "Some 'Em If You Got 'Em" and it would get a lot of comments telling me I don't know anything about cigars.

I thought Query Garcia was killed and replaced by his brother Questionford.

Now that I've seen the movie I agree with Nabin's Val Lewton vibe. It's all about the little things, which is a big part of what Lewton's horror movies are about.

If mbs is willing to denigrate an entire category of movies, it may be a sign that it's time to give it a rest, Hollywood.

The addendum
Proves that there's no such thing as "The American Beatles."

Open Water is terrible? That's news to me. I'd rather watch it than Blair Witch, even if Blair Witch did come first.

Hey zodiac, this could be a learning experience for you. You could emulate your new best friend Noel Murphy and learn to appreciate the mellower side of life. Turning point, man, turning point!

This…this is nice.

I don't know who the fuck this guy is
but that ending with Grace just going "don't care" is hilarious.

I was puzzled by it. Normally I don't go for a lot of exposition in movies like that but I kept expecting what the fuck was going on to get some kind of explanation and I never got it, at least not satisfactorily. Weird movie, man.

I come here for the chicks and the ice cream socials.

I knew the day would come when something so outrageous would be reported on newswire that Horsefellow would break through the haze and express his disgust in earnest.

I have both of them, but have only watched Dawn. Thanks for the info guys.

Val Lewton.
I like Val Lewton. If this doesn't end up playing near me I'll just watch Isle of the Dead instead.