
Thank you my friend :)

Oh my god I'm so glad someone else mentioned this! I thought it was just me! But after a few weeks I can't help but recognize a lot of similarities between this and Smallville. In specific the best friend reporter who reports on the weird and unexplained (*ahem Chloe ahem*), then the nick-name for our hero and even

This episode (and probably the whole spin-off show as well) ruined itself for me in the first few minutes. I couldn't believe that they freakin' FRIDGED ANOTHER FEMALE CHARACTER! I know Supernatural hasn't had the best track record with females in general but it just pissed me off that the writers couldn't come up

I seriously don't get why everyone seems to love Mark Pellegrino so much! On this show in particular I am just lost and confused by everyone's worship of him. I hated him on Lost, and now he's back again to have murky backstory and his motivations questioned. I really hope he doesn't turn good because at this point

I seriously hope this isn't the last episode we see Seth Gabel as The Count because he is my favorite villain of this show so far. He plays crazy so well that I can't even believe he was ever able to be characters who were anything but evil.