"Those guys are inside you building a piece of shit, Ethan! They're inside you building a monument to compromise!"
"Those guys are inside you building a piece of shit, Ethan! They're inside you building a monument to compromise!"
This episode confused me. Why was the Waitress pursuing Charlie?
Red Dwarf? What a smeghead.
Dear god, that red shirt.
That's one of those moments in the books that most people don't catch on the first pass but once you do…
All I know is that they'd better devote a hell of a lot of time in season four to the best character of the entire series, the Red Viper of Dorne.
This might be the only show that I follow on AV Club where the commenters are united in their support. Sure, there might be a nitpick here or there but I think just about everyone agrees that this show is amazing and needs to be renewed.
This show is absolutely beautifully shot. I find myself entranced with the scenery and then have to rewind to listen to what actually happened. I don't think I've ever seen a TV show this visually stunning.
Anyone else feel like they missed an episode that explained what the hell was going on? I kept checking my DVR to see if it failed to record something. That was just weird. I had no clue what was going on.
Yeah, what was up with using Fiji for everything? Sponsor or no running water? That was weird.
I think you're right about female anti-heroes. There aren't very many of them and the ones that do exist tend to be more emotional than physical. There are countless examples of violent male anti-heroes in organized crime, drugs, etc., but are there any women in those roles? I can't think of any of the top of my…
On the advice of a ridiculous number of comments on this site, I watched every Enlightened episode over the past two weeks and I've come to the exact same conclusion.
Castle's fun when they have a zaney case of the week and buddy cop banter. No one cares about Beckett's arc or the will they won't they relationship. Do what you're good at and fark the rest.
How does someone who was in the hospital for three months get so tan?