
This was a great list. I agree with almost all of it. I'm not sure I could have kept it as short as you did. I think this decade has been a golden age of television. TV is doing things it never would have dared before. I'm glad the Wire was #1, it is truly a masterpiece, a visual novel.

Also I bet when he made Hostel II he was doing a bunch of Coke and fucking all the extras and figured his first two movies were pretty awesome so why try so hard?

I thought the first Hostel was great for what it was, a fun scary little horror flick. Cabin Fever was also a solid little horror movie. I like Eli Roth, he's an egotistical maniac like lots of people who get famous young, but his movies entertained the crap out of me, which is more than a lot of movies do. That

For the record, I'm a pretty big Will Oldham fan. I've seen him live once and it was one of my favorite shows ever. He sticks to the warbling folk rock poetry deal on his albums, but at his live shows he will just decide he's an arena rock star and just go for it. He kept doing this weird thing with his tongue and

I work in a psych unit, and have taken care of a fair number of adolescent schizophrenics. I would really like to read this book.

I thought it would be total shit, but ended up being pleasantly surprised. Its not great, but very watchable. Its pretty difficult to find a decent fantasy film, I would rank Stardust as pleasantly entertaining, but not a great or even very good movie. Its better than the golden compass and some of the Harry

Nothing new to say
Asimov didn't write the best prose, he was an idea man. He had some cool ideas though, or at least he did when I read those books in middle school. He made an entire intergalactic empire seem real and possible to me, which is an accomplishment no matter how flat or unrealistic his prose was. It

My college years were a burning wreckage of bourbon, weed, and insomnia. Ryan Adams worked pretty well as a soundtrack for the times I was reflecting on that fact.

I would say the 3 best in order are strangers almanac, heartbreaker, and faithless street. If I had to buy one it would be strangers almanac.

Fucking Ryan Adams
He was kind of the soundtrack to my college years, him and Wilco. I loved Whiskeytown. I played heartbreaker so damn much I went through two copies. Same with that Gram Parson's cover he did on the tribute album with the line "Oh my land is like a wild goose". He has put out some shitty,

You interviewed David Simon, damn.

Langhorne Slim
I like this guys songs, they're catchy and kind of roughcut. I don't like the sample here though. He's actually a friend of a friend. I bought him a 12 pack of Coors when he was 19. So, I guess I'm a little cooler now.