Lola of Spain

My last rewatching of it was, in fact, last Halloween, as a double bill with "The Innocents".

Has it occurred to anyone that the notorious dinner-table sequence in "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" probably owes something to this scene?

This is a wonderful movie, and worth re-watching in its entirety just to hear (and laugh again at) the delivery of that line.

The Uninvited is spookily atmospheric. If you're in the right frame of mind, it's a very enjoyable evening. We last saw it, yes, by starlight, at the Spanish National Film Archive's annual "cine de verano" in Madrid, when they show a different movie outdoors every night during July and August. The audience sit at

I watched The Innocents again last Halloween, and realized that I thought I saw, very briefly, a shadow of a man on the stairs in that scene where Deborah Kerr is wandering the corridors with a candelabra looking for the boy.  Thinking, what a great creepy touch, I went back to listen to the audio commentary — and it