I actually havent caught up yet. I thought Hickmans run was so outstanding it would hard to follow. The FF (one of my favorite sets of characters) tend to have high highs and low lows. But Hickman was probably their best writer since at least Waid.
I actually havent caught up yet. I thought Hickmans run was so outstanding it would hard to follow. The FF (one of my favorite sets of characters) tend to have high highs and low lows. But Hickman was probably their best writer since at least Waid.
I tend to judge a writer on well he does or does not write Reed Richards.
Yes I dont know about why they say that.
Yes this is an underrated ending, probably because she show really limped into port.
My friends say Ross and Rachel would have broken up again just because of their history. I resent this obervation because I suspect it's true.
Does Mike Vago seriously think there is ANY place in America where you are more likely to be shot by police instead of criminals? Was that supposed to be some kind of joke that went over my head?
T.J. Hooker or get the fuck out!
There is an old episode of Coach that I only saw one time-but it has stuck with me. Probably aired about 91, 92 or 93. A player returns to see Coach has a lot of life and health issues from his abuse of steroids during his playing days. The ep ends with Coach bluntly admitting that he knew the kid was using while he…
Yeah its like saying the 60s Batman isn't an accurate depiction of police work. Pacino is SUPPOSED to be over the top.
Journeyman was good!
I know im late (DVR) but I thought Wintson's best line and line of the episode was "You want Nick to become someone's bitch?" It was all in the delivery.
This should be liked a billion times.
I would vote for the black version of Lord of the Rings, with Bill Cosby as Gandalf.
I would rise to the defense of conservatives, but that would be also defending Bruce Willis in a way, so, naw………..
That really made my day and now I am primed for the return of Boardwalk!
Statistics wise it is. Obviously it doesn't work out in every case, and of course not having that doesn't preclude a happy and prosperous childhood.
I dont think either side looks good in this-Quayle looks dumb (even though his basic point that its far better for children to be raised in stable two parent homes is very valid) and Murphy Brown looks unable to rise above the whole thing and comes of as smug. (Even though Brown is far from the dysfunctional single…
Let me just say that I respect your opinion while disagreeing with it. You are wrong but your ability to make an argument is refreshing. It serves you better than just outright dismissal of an opposing viewpoint.
So was there any indication that the war was going to end in 1945 without the use of the bombs?