
Rather enjoying the experience, myself, but I did love this review, if only for the wording. Slobbering tumescent creeper is a lovely turn of phrase.

Saw Jane Austen's in theaters at 23. Had one of my first panic attacks during this film for some reason. Otherwise, I just remember it being sloppy, lazy, and by the numbers without being very funny at all.

Man oh man. If any single song IS 1994 to me, it was this one. The dorm, the friends, the drinking, the bars, the frantic studying. I miss university. This sure makes me feel old.

I'll probably think of a more original choice later, but I'll go with Pulp Fiction. I was in university that year. We all went and saw it in the theater together, me and my friends, and it was a mind-blowing, pop culture world view experience game changer. It felt like 19 and in university was just the right time for

Thinking about how I turned of-age to drink that year makes me feel very old. And they can get off my damn lawn too!

As a child of the 80s and copious VHS rentals, me and my best friend grew up on a couple of his great standup routines in the late 80s. To this day we quote "An Evening with Robin Williams" to one another all the time, and one other, the one from the Met.

And now so do all our brains. Thank you so much for reinforcing Archer's discovery about brain vomiting.

Really not sure what anyone sees in Ron. He's incredibly boring. A
good foil for all these lunatics, but his one note "Why are you people
so crazy and why do you keep doing these things?" joke got old after
about two episodes.