
I mean they've used the same arguments about Obama and they didn't ever make sense there either.

It's mostly pointless to even engage trumpets. Thankfully minors can't vote

and they fell in major cities without stop and frisk across the country

So I stopped watching the episode before the bees. Is it worth getting back into this show?

That last part finally sold me on their pairing.

When did Cisco say that line? I think I missed it

AV Club was right last week when they said the actor was doing his best Wentworth Miller impression.

If it wasn't related to batman it would be off the air already

I think season 2 has been announced recently

The only thing that makes my dog leave the room is my shouting during sports

Sadly part of me feels like they had that scene just so they could imply zombie liv would kill her roommate in the promo.

I love this show's pop culture references. I laughed so hard when Clive told Liv that he felt like he was Driving Ms. Crazy

The guest voice actors were incredible. This is the best episode in years

and given the context of that what should he have expected

Some people just can't be happy. I really like the direction the show is in

I feel like the episode flies by because I enjoy it so much.

But it'd cause widespread devastation to the world especially with all the weapons currently in the middle east

The show should still be around for a few more years.

The animation has been amazing all season

You mean the last two seasons? Sorry your last sentence seems confusing. But yes Archer Vice seemed to give Adam Reed the restart this show needed. The writing has been outstanding. As far as Always sunny, I'm loving this season and I thought last season was great especially the supposed to be series finale