

Very true, but I think the added dimension that the film takes place in the Muslim world, which is still very foreign to most Western viewers, changes the context completely.  Your examples take place in fantasy universes with their own rules while this is based (or at least attempts to take place) in real life.

I don't think the implication is that they're "incapable", just that it's kind of tasteless. It's like a different shade of "White Man's Burden" to have someone from a place of privelege address an issue as complex and personal as female empowerment.

Yeah, and where's Riff Raff?

He's making pop music.  You just listed the three most important factors in pop music.

James Bond is such an outdated conception of "cool" from the days of the patriarchy.

fangraphs, the premier sabermetrics site in my humble opinion, has an entire section devoted to bat flips

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Aukerman himself isn't necessarily supposed to be funny.  He's the curator and the straight man.  He's there to guide the guests. He has impeccable comic sensibilities and he uses them to set the guests up so they can find the perfect voice and direction for their

David Cross was in Alvin and the Chipmunks not Scooby-Doo

yeah and he was great in it but then he died and had a really nice funeral

I was about to mention that scene.  Looking back there are plenty of memorable scenes in the film, but the movie as a whole somehow seems kind of bland.  It just didn't add up to the sum of its parts which is disappointing since "Assassination of Jesse James…" is one of my favorite films of all-time.

Suppose you're thinking about a plate o' shrimp.  Suddenly someone'll say "Bob" or "Benson" or "Bob Benson" out of the blue, no explanation.  No point in looking for one either.

I mean, he did introduce Pete to the man that killed his mother.  That's got to be worth something.

The douchier he gets the better his music gets.

A Talking Cat!?!

"It also be a redefinition of what a season of television could be and how we engage it."

I remember when High Violet came out it was the week before finals which at UConn was the biggest party weekend of the year.  After my final class I bought a bottle of bourbon and went over to my best bud's room and we started drinking at it and listening to the album and then ended up going on chatroulette and my

Ha!  I invented a similar app even before that.

It's funny you say that cause the ad showing up right now is for Budweiser's new "bowtie-shaped can" which I, for the life of me, can't understand the gimmick of.

Yeah, but that movie was critical of that lifestyle.  Zach Braff revels in it.