Mr. Awesome

Hey guys, LiveJournal is thatta way. —>

Can somebody explain to me the style in which Variety articles are written? I mean, I've figured out what they're doing, but why?

Y'know, Stealing Beauty was on TV last night, and I gotta say, my God, what a boring piece of crap. It's true that Rachel Weisz is the best part (and especially Rachel Weisz' tits), but otherwise that movie sucks dogs royally.

:: offers fist bump to a middle-aged black guy in an attempt to seem "with it"::

Is it because I never read Moby Dick. I'll start right now — let's see, is this the whale section?

Black Sheep
FINALLY Black Sheep is on Blu-Ray. Penelope Spheeris' delicate compositions, and especially the subtle way in which Daryn Okada plays with light and contrast, were never treated properly on Paramount's standard DVD release.

"We're talking about S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N."

Sea Change is in no way Beck's best album, not in a world with Odelay, Midnite Vultures, Mutations, Mellow Gold, anything else by Beck that isn't Sea Change. If the only albums he ever recorded were that and The Information, MAYBE you'd have a case. But, as it is, that album is just a dreary, boring, completely

How about "There's No Home For You Here"? Not necessarily about a divorce, but as far as breakup songs go, it rivals Dylan for sheer invective.

Reading some of Dave Sim's stuff just now, I think he actually falls into the exact same trap that a lot of more radical feminists do. He turns every conceivable political or social issue into a matter of "Male and Female." Or, more appropriately, "Male vs. Female." That's all there seems to be for him, that one

The people who listen to Katy Perry: Very stupid teenage girls, gay guys, and ugly women who hang out with gay guys (are we allowed to say "fag hag?" Is that cool?).

Thank You For Smoking is also just incredibly obvious and flat in its humor. Like, for instance, let's have the tobacco lobbyist be really condescending and mean to a little girl. I get why it's supposed to be funny, but it's just not.


We don't know that, ET. I want a blood test!

It also has a great punchline. "Pfft, he's not on here either!"

This Jarmusch Guy
Say what you want about the man's films, but my god, what a hairstyle.

I am convinced that the Big Lebowski has the single best screenplay of any American movie since the introduction of sound. It's certainly the best since Chinatown.

Motherfucker's been filming in digital for a long time now, brother. Collateral and Miami Vice were both also done in digital, and they looked fantastic. It can be problematic (and yeah, those low-light close-ups in the trailer are pretty grim) but I don't think it should be completely discounted as a medium,

Tom Waits, definitely. And he might have even done better than Dylan, because I don't think Tom Waits ever had a period where he just couldn't win. Like, he's had individual bad albums, but never a string of them. And he's always been interesting (alright, except Foreign Affairs and Blue Valentine).

Not only is "Visions of Johanna" my all-time, number one favorite Bob Dylan song, it may be the greatest song ever written. And I say that with no irony, nor hyperbole, nor ironic hyperbole. It's just really, really fucking good.