Mr. Awesome

I'm with Snape on this one. Here's my guess for how this movie goes: Starts with about forty minutes of young Kirk not being captain of the enterprise, then we get a bunch of bullshit about fate and destiny and junk, then he finally ends up in the captain's chair in a completely overblown, manufactured "iconic

Bukowski. He had…inner beauty…

Hey, so I've got this new poem, and I was wondering what you guys think. Just keep in mind that it's still a work in progress.

Look at those guys, man. Every one of those guys is awesome. Alright, maybe not the Chris Cornell lookin' dude, but Beardy? And the Mustache Twins? Right on.

So, does anyone remember the interview scenes from Don't Look Back, and some of the footage from the '65-'66 tour, where Bob Dylan is just fucking around with all the reporters and interviewers, and not answering any of their questions and basically just acting like a big ol' dick? And everybody sees it now and thinks

Who wrote this review, Pete Fucking Hammond? "…a top-flight international cast headlined by the high-wattage duo of Clive Owen and Naomi Watts…" "…sneering bank baddies…" "…a sprawling, enormously powerful bank out to make a killing in more than just the financial market…" I mean really, Rabin, come the fuck on. Are

It's true that Bukowski spawned a lot of bullshit, but just as the Rolling Stones begat Bad Company, it's unfair to blame the progenitor. Because though he may be in the same vein as all those little hipster shits you hate so much, like all originals, he did it well. That's why he's so imitated, that and the fact that

Hey, look, someone agreed with what I said before I even said it.

"…a sugar-free, organic, low-calorie lemonade drink made by Rage Against The Machine drummer Brad Wilk. He created it after he developed Type 1 diabetes on the road and was unable to find a lemonade to meet his dietary restrictions."

Holy shit, I'd totally forgotten about I'm No Angel. What an absolute piece of shit.

Shit, I was beaten to it. I should read before I write.

Yes, it will be like a black hole of neuroses, threatening to swallow any and all who dare venture too close.