
The "cigarette" was a joint.  They ushered him in quickly because he was smoking pot in a waiting room full of people.

Here's an interesting little tidbit: The laws of gods and men can't compel somebody to marry.  Tyrion, I love you dude but you gotta grow a pair.

Chillin' at the incest crib for weeks while the people who were injured in the battle with the white walkers healed up?

Genetics usually has to do with traits, not with which sex the parent was.  I would assume dark hair was dominant.

Now, “Kissed By Fire” is a considerable comedown from last week’s heady series of climaxes.

Jaime becomes a much more rounded character following this.  It's not so much that he becomes pathetic as that he realizes how pathetic he is, and how badly he needs to change.

She says that she's off to search for others with king's blood.  She doesn't know it's Gendry (not yet at least), but she says that the red god will guide her.

I have yet to see a truly terrible adaptation decision, or at the very least I can see a reason for all the adaptation decisions.