excess consumption may have a

To me, it seems like Walt's only move at this point is to try and kill Jesse. He's fucked unless he can get himself re-hired by Gus. And given the almost casual way he's killed several times in the past, I'm inclined to think he's a complete psychopath. Killing Jesse might be enough to finally convince him that he's

I got more of a Bill Lumbergh vibe from Ted, for some reason. He didn't seem quite as desperate as Jerry Lundegaard.

Personally, I find Jeff Winger's monologues the most grating aspect of the show. They're always so earnest, and I really dislike his delivery of them. Rather than having them hit the reset button at the end of this episode with yet another speech, it might have been interesting to see Jeff becoming a Pierce-like

Idi Amin still seems to make fairly regular appearances. And Cookie Monster. 
I do miss the bad old days, though. Especially 27 years old nurse and COMMUNITY SUCKS.

Great Job, AV club. You've increased the page views for the latest pop nightmare. I expect Taylor Bright's image will be replacing Whitney in our banner ads any day now.

They're on the wikipedia page.

That's two words. You bug me, @avclub-141f784f9d5f94e4b73e355ee69343ee:disqus. You bug me. There's something about you that is deeply unfunny, and I just don't like you. If I ever met you in real life, I would kill you.

My first R-rated film was 'Deliverance', when I was about 10 years old. I was a very innocent child, but my friend had found a VHS copy that his mother had pirated and we watched it together while our parents were having a party downstairs. The rapin' hillbillies etched themselves permanently into my memory, and it

What is the deal with the use of asterisks like quotation marks? Is it just meant to imply ironic detachment? Where did this convention come from?

See that bow-legged motherfucker? I made him walk like that.

Homer's Enemy has got to be one of my favourite Simpsons episodes. Grimes' bewildered, angry voice still echoes in my head. And the thought that Homer's sleeping through Grimes' funeral elicits a wave of laughter from the funeral party brings an uneasy smile to my face even now.

I used to be a fan of Nirvana when you someone eat it.

Why aren't there more likers on the internet? I barely know what I'm supposed to like anymore.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus  If only there were a way to 'collapse user', I'd never unwittingly read one of your posts again.

cool 'cool "cool story, bro," bro,' bro.

On the other hand, my browser seems to be cutting off usernames after 30 characters, which is annoying.

I guess this will put me in a minority of Waits fans, but I'd put 'Real Gone' in my top 5 Waits albums. I'm looking forward to this release.
Another contentious opinion: I kind of like the new jaggedness of the commenting system. It makes it even less clear who might be responding to whom. I was also able to edit this

Well, I'm glad he has some sort of following. I wouldn't want anyone to kill themselves over getting disliked on the internet. I was mainly going on the fact that I don't enjoy his voluminous output very much, and there seem to be quite a lot of people here that dislike him enough to want to collapse every one of his