
At least you have all that boneitis to look forward to.

I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who told me that the REO Speedwagon had driven off a cliff.  What a day that was.

I, too, love the fact that Buzz thinks his rhyming is more important than actually getting people to the correct floor.

Couldn't agree more about the brilliance of Peter Gallagher's lounge singer. The moment where he seems to be about to take a drink but then realizes that he still has more words to sing is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in any movie ever.

I don't think it's possible for me to love this movie more than I already do. I never understood the complaint that it's devoid of emotion. I really feel for Norville Barnes and find his redemption at the end to be genuinely satisfying. I love the Coens to a potentially psychotic extent and I rank this movie second

You Fools!
Why can't you people understand that M. Night Shyamalan is a comedic genius? He's clearly been pulling an Andy Kauffman style joke on the world for his last few films. How can you not recognize it when Aasif Mondvi plays the heavy? This film is clearly a joke, and a rather amusing one.

I've got a bad feeling
That this movie will contain at least one winking nod to Sigourney Weaver's previous encounters with an alien.

One thing's for sure
After that video, I'm never going to buy Amstel Light. That was one dam stupid waste of time.

You can't leave out the fact that he sounds exactly like David Cross. That's the creepiest thing about him.

I just can't understand Tobias's position that the film's ridiculous amounts of gore and nudity don't add up to a good time. I can't remember having a better time watching a movie than I did during this one, and it's all because of its relentless ridiculousness. The hamfisted immigration message was just more

His role in Julien Donkey-Boy was absolutely amazing. I have yet to find something he has been in any way affiliated with that isn't worthwhile.

There already was a "Desolation Row" movie. It was called Young Einstein. Think about it.

Well I guess if I want to steal her creativity
I'll have to sneak in through the butthole.

I was an unemployed stoned bowler in the early nineties, and when the rich guy who shares my name hired me to deliver ransom money to the men that kidnapped his wife, my fee was $22,000, not $20,000. He also sat in a much fancier wheelchair.

Here is your latest issue of "Gigantic Asses"

The return of Gobias industries!
As in, Gobias some coffee.

I saw this in a 3/4 full theater with some friends and we laughed hysterically the whole way through. It probably helped that the guy behind us made vomiting noises every time a body was eviscerated or de-limbed. Which happens quite frequently.

I'm pretty sure that the Happening has to have been a joke movie. There's no way Shyamalan would have cast Mark Wahlberg for the lead and put in so many hilarious death scenes if he were attempting to make a serious horror movie. A guy sticks his hand into a lion's mouth for god's sake!

The Caine Mutiny!
I can't believe it didn't even get mentioned! Though the movie as a whole isn't nearly as good as some of the others, it's definitely my favorite performance of his.

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