
Eat up Martha
Hey Dolph, take a memo on your iPad.

I also can't click on this link, assuming there is one. I want to hear ZMF saying drunken crazy shit. Why isn't this option available to me?

Invictus was the title of my high school yearbook
I didn't know what it meant then, and I don't know now.

Sin City?
I'm so confused. How does this movie not even get mentioned? Not even among the orphans? Since it came out I've talked about it as one of the top three films of the decade, and I thought people were with me. What the fuck?

I remain convinced that "The Happening" was a joke movie. Seriously, there's no way a director as skilled at building suspense (you've gotta give him that) could include that many hillarious death scenes in a movie the audience was supposed to take seriously. I vote that it is quite a good intentional comedy.

I'm going to see him this Thursday here in Vegas! I'm really excited! Can you not tell by my use of exclamation points!?!

I just bought the inventory book!
It's great! I love you! I want to make love to you all! Especially Tasha.

I can't watch David Lynch's 55 second film. It keeps saying "an error has occurred". Fuck you youtube!

I am also firmly in the camp of those who believe that Rodriguez's segment of Four Rooms should be on this list. The first two "rooms" are absolutely horrible, and Tarantino's is quite mediocre, but "The Misbehavors" is funny and enjoyable through and threw. Antonio Banderas's ridiculous caracature of his own


I totally forgot about Leonard Nimoy on the Simpsons! He was fantastic. "Anybody wanna switch seats?"

The best Simpsons "as himself" cameo definitely goes to James Woods. I think it should have been used because it fits the inventory so well. He manages to pull of being both pompous and completely insane. I love it.

The Velvet Underground
God Damn it! I can't believe we're even having this conversation. They're so easily the greatest rock and roll band this country's ever produced, and none of the great bands that followed them would ever have existed without them.

I always thought it was "began" also, and the reason is that the rest of the verse is in the past tense. "Pretended" just doesn't scan as well, I guess.

I think there was an inventory about regrettable final performances that featured this movie.

It seems likely to me
that the sequel will revolve around Vernita Green's daughter's attempt to exact revenge on Beatrix for the murder of her mother.

I don't understand how The Number 23 was left off this list. I just kept waiting and waiting and it never showed up. I remember critics completely bashing this movie, which didn't stop me from seeing it on opening night.

This seems like the proper forum to point out that Adam's Rib is really terrible. I really like Tracy and Hepburn movies, but this one is absolutely unforgivable. It's painfully stupid. I felt like I was watching an episode of "Ally McBeal".

Not true TWFS. Bart also goes to see Booberama while ditching school.

Are you in pictures?
I love how Barton's hands are always on his typewriter whenever he stares up at the painting of the girl on the wall, even in this opening scene.