
I feel I must chime in. I grew up in New York, and not a single character in this movie rings true to me even a little bit. However, I love it. Call me an ethnocentric blue-stater if you must, but I find every character, even the complete assholes, charming. The fact that Uncle Rico is the main villain in this

There's a clip in the trailer for this movie that seems to suggest that a guy will die by having his asshole get sucked into the filter of a swimming pool, like in Chuck Palahniuk's Haunted. Does this actually happen?

How did you find that? It was amazing!

From Joe Francis's Wikipedia page:

When Pearl Harbor came out, I read a review whose headline was "Bora Bora Bora" and shat myself.


Captain Carl rules
As long as they don't attempt to have anyone try to take Phil Hartman's place, this is a great idea.

How did no one point out how ridiculous Andy Capp's inclusion of juror #12 from 12 Angry Men was? Sure the guy's a catchphrase spewing nitwit but he has about 10 lines in the whole movie. For all we know he may have a very satisfying home life and give his money to charity and stuff.

The Coen brothers would have to come out with 27 Ladykillerses for me not to be excited by the prospect of a new movie by them.

Seriously, I work in a fancy casino here, and I can totally get you a room.

Did someone actually try to cite A League of Their Own as a negative in a column about Americana? Fuck you!

Jonathan Richman
Much like Weird Al, it seems like Jonathan Richman is a uniquely American artist. Nowhere else could his dorky, endlessly yearning style have found such a niche. And, the man really loves this place! Just listening to "Modern World", "New England", or his rendition of "Back in the USA" makes me

He hasn't made a great film since Manhunter, and everyone is constantly singing his praises. It's maddening. What Phipps said about this film not living up to its best moments applies to everything he's done in the last two decades.

Inherit the Wind
There's a scene in which people outside the courtroom are singing songs about the prosectuting attorney, and later, prospective jurors list his name among the things in the world they most believe in! How can this not have made the list?


I hope someone decides to answer Lady Disdain's personal ad just to ring her doorbell and punch her right in her face. That's what I call bringing the funny.

"We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a better day, so let's start givin'." Remember that, baby? When I fucked you in the cemetary? That's our song.

Abbey Road is the best album ever to listen to all the way through. It's not just the awesome songs on side two that blend into each other perfectly, or how great it is to get to Her Majesty after The End. Even the popular radio songs from side one get better in context. I never want to listen to Here Comes the Sun

"Homer no function beer WELL without." I can't believe no one pointed that one out yet.

Pitch Black
I convinced a group of friends that we should go see Pitch Black on opening weekend. My rationale was that from the trailers we could be sure that at the very least it would have cool bugs like in Starship Troopers (which we all loved, and was definitely my all-time best moviegoing experience). When the