
I used to go to pub quiz three or four nights a week when I lived in Seoul, but I haven't been to one since leaving. I wish I could go to this one.

"He bit me with my own teeth" may be my favorite line from The Simpsons.

Are the editing / grammar errors in the second paragraph deliberate, or has the editing on this site been going down hill over the past couple of weeks? I'm not asking that to be snarky - I haven't seen the episode yet so I don't know if it's supposed to be a riff on something that goes on in the show.

Don't feed him. He starts getting stabby once he get his blood sugar up.

This is like my parents getting divorced and then giving me a puppy to soften the blow.

Actually, it's a chupacabra foot. They have two legs, with five little feet instead of toes. It's why they're one of the few animals that can count to 50.

When you gaze long into the blank space, Taylor Swift writes your name in it.

Wesker and Agent Smith should have a buddy comedy film.

Awakening, Evolution, Extinction, Afterlife. The either Retribution or Awakening, depending on your moral philosophy and behavior during the first four.

They all look fantastic, regardless of the storylines (which are a mixed bag). They're definitely the kind of thing that you can have on in the background while you're doing other stuff, and watch like five or six times each so that eventually, you've seen the whole thing.

I was going the other direction, with the freakuency as opposed to the frequency.

He's wearing all the shirts, but no underwear. That will show O'Neal!

We don't watch the show, but my kids and I do this to each other solely because of the commercials.

If you send me your address, I'll send you swag from my military installation. Just stand back at least 2 meters when you open it.

Where's Horsefellow? He's the real expert on this stuff.

<jazzhands> The Aristocrats </jazzhands>

Cat's are fine, but mostly seem disinterested in being pets, so I don't bother with them. We'd probably have one, though, if my kids weren't allergic.

Mo' pussies, mo' problems.

J. Geils Band "No Anchovies, Please" - the "the story of a young couple in Portland, Maine." Noirish, and strange.

It's one of the best singles of the year - it's catchy and upbeat and I'm surprised that it hasn't gotten more play, although it was in some movie trailer.