
He has rapidly become our favourite too, although we still refer to him as 'twink police officer'

"We’re not going to be covering it [Teen Wolf] regularly this season, because interest has petered out."
Has it? Did you consider the boost there might be to your figures if you employed a reviewer who actually watched the programme? (or at least had his eyes open while watching it?)

One Christmas I worked in a store which played the Jessica Simpson version of Baby it's Cold Outside roughly once every 40 minutes. I had previously been blissfully unaware of the existence of a Jessica Simpson cover of this song. My life has never recovered.

Me too. I'm choosing not to consider what this says about me as a person.

You might not realise it but that was probably one of the best decisions you ever made. There's hardly a day that goes by when I don't regret getting into this show.

The show is running out of time though. Next season is the last (thank God). If she gets pregnant now then baby Finn can be born in the finale. It's a very Ryan Murphy way to end things

I saw it in the cinema. I had a really good time even though I didn't want to. The only person there beside us was a middle aged dude who sat at the back and sang all the songs.

I feel bad that shows people might actually like are being cut so Phil's lamentable coverage of Teen Wolf can continue. Sorry guys, we don't like it either.

This covered everything I wanted to know about this episode. Can you take over the main review?

I need a Fred Wu in my life.

I'll try when I have time! I've always intended to catch up properly but have never really find a window. Personally with the odd wiki lookup I haven't found keeping track too hard but I take your point :).

I can't help but feel that I missed out on part of this episode since I only started with Awkward at the beginning of season 3. Collin does seem to be transmogrifying into general douche character (so far apart from being a bit of a pretentious dork he hasn't really done anything that wrong).
Overall though it's a

The future Christmas episode a year or three back was excellent.

Because Fred Wu is perfect #TeamFredWu

Meh it's within the tone of the show (or at least it would be if MTV didn't keep bleeping everything).

He's not. Matty is lovely but Collin is way hotter

Ron Swanson was in Glasgow Central Station and no-one informed me. I am super upset right now.

Exactly! I'm gay and wouldn't mind getting married one of these days but this engagement is stupid (in the same way that I've seen plenty of heterosexual relationships on TV and IRL that are stupid). Kurt stopped caring about Blaine as soon as a job came up which was a bit dickish but he's in his 20s and not ready to

That sounds like a typical Glee 'over-literal lyric' moment. Not quite as bad as Kurt's '…when I saw you kicking dirt in my eye' moment from Michael but pretty close.