
"Welcome to the Glades"- Site of no police presence, a maniac mob boss and Verdant- Starling City's premier hideout for parkour vigilantes.
This place has everything.

Wow. So basically, he's Ant-Man without the Ants.

Was anyone else waiting for Barry to come zipping across the screen when they were facing Brick?

Does the atom have any other powers besides shrinking and growing? I really can't see him getting a spin-off if he has no other powers

Why couldn't she just tell him the first time. This is just sad.

There has to be a pretty good explanation as to how Wells get his speed. Besides being a time traveler.

yeah, i know.

Just appealing to my Reese Witherspoon crush, huh?

Ok i will

Makes sense.

Yes, I do.

Yeah, they don't protect them well.

Im ready for the next season!

Not that awesome.

Is there any way you can recap the show for me?

Not only that, but there is now a WWE Network for…9.99

Well, at least this was better than the royal rumble

No that's just creepy.

Is it weird that I now have a crush on reese witherspoon?

I have the feeling that whoever plays Supergirl will be an unknown actress