
How bout that Legends of Tomorrow trailer? I'm excited for the show!

Don't really know much about him, but i'm going to stay optimistic and hope he makes a good Spidey.

Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow should all air on one night
And also, CAITY LOTZ!

Uh, Malcolm, now would not be a good time to go to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Needs more Nick fury

Well can't be worse than Man of Steel

I'm personally upset that Luke Cage and Iron Fist are going to have Netflix series when they should have had a movie by now.

Just to put it out there, has anyone seen the trailer for the rest of the flash's season?
Looks like Wells is seriously turning to the dark side

Well, I was only saying it because he jokes around sometimes about his show being bad.

Hmm. Very interesting. What about the awards part?

Bummer. Could be a real quality show if Vince was more involved

They should move Battle Creek to AMC. Give him a chance to go darker with that show.

Which once again proves that cable has better quality television.

I hope next season, the overarching case involves some better criminals.

I thought he said drugs

Think there will even be a trial?

Think she had to hold his hand through it?

Jimmy was like " You two are so dumb"

Had to put pictures all over that thing

I really think Betty committed the crime somehow. Craig just seem way too stupid to pull off embezzlement