Jesus Tralfaz

Distant Voices also suffers from the fact that Data doesn't show up and stab Dax.  Missed opportunity there.

"You can be Chinese and Latino."

"You can be Chinese and Latino."

I think it has more to do with dressing up and putting on costumes.  And the princess costumes have a lot of cheap, plastic, easily breakable, shit to put on.

I think it has more to do with dressing up and putting on costumes.  And the princess costumes have a lot of cheap, plastic, easily breakable, shit to put on.



Worst late 80s - early 90s cartoon theme?  I say Goof Troop.

Worst late 80s - early 90s cartoon theme?  I say Goof Troop.

It's also brutally honest in way that Star Trek typically isn't.  Nog calls his dad out for being a total fuck-up.  Heavy stuff for a science fiction show.

It's also brutally honest in way that Star Trek typically isn't.  Nog calls his dad out for being a total fuck-up.  Heavy stuff for a science fiction show.

Also you can't pee straight anymore.

Also you can't pee straight anymore.

@avclub-a10e0139fb69e0e5e8e7633b4769e1c6:disqus I second that motion

@avclub-a10e0139fb69e0e5e8e7633b4769e1c6:disqus I second that motion

@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus you make an arousing and confusing point.

@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus you make an arousing and confusing point.

"This is a tree.  Would you like to watch me climb it."

"This is a tree.  Would you like to watch me climb it."

I'm pretty sure he is (or at least was for a long time) a professor at Rutgers.