Jesus Tralfaz

…did anyone see the movie "Tron"?

"— like how on Game of Thrones half the Starks have growly northern accents and half have BBC-standard nowhere-in-particular accents."

"— like how on Game of Thrones half the Starks have growly northern accents and half have BBC-standard nowhere-in-particular accents."

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus ,

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus ,

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus  College?  Neophyte?  Boston?

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus  College?  Neophyte?  Boston?



And the cosmic ballet continues…

And the cosmic ballet continues…

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus and @TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus ,

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus and @TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus ,

@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus ,

@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus ,

Please, they preferred to be called 'Sons of the Soil'

Please, they preferred to be called 'Sons of the Soil'

Yeah, I know, it's going to suck.  We could invade the comments section of the Monty Python reviews.

Yeah, I know, it's going to suck.  We could invade the comments section of the Monty Python reviews.
