
They do sometimes pick up candy litter, for their candy lunch.

If I were a scientist, I would start every sentence with "As a scientist, I should probably be outraged…"

I don't like emo kids, but if anyone has earned the right to be mopey, snide and sulking it's Dean Venture.

Yeah, season five came roaring out of the gate and this episode really seemed to take its foot off the throttle. Just not much going on tonight. I'm okay with seeing the characters get to slow down a bit and every episode doesn't have to cram an hour's worth of plotlines into 22 minutes, but I hope this was a

"Can't you people take the law into your own hands? I mean, we can't be "policing" the entire city."

Congrats man!

@The_Primordial_Dr_Zoidberg:disqus did you know that Moses lived to be 120? And "his sap never withered." Jewish girls, you know what's up.

Diogenes didn't write any music.

Provide the schnapps and the knishes and I'll sit shiva all G-d damned night. Or until they run out, whichever comes first.

Can mine be the Superchunk cover of Where Eagles Dare?

@The_Primordial_Dr_Zoidberg:disqus I gave you a like because you're a friendly drunk.

Anyone who picked that as their funeral song deserved to die.

I'd be fine with just about anything by Yoko Kanno.

I see it's not just a clever name, @avclub-5729ca33ae94a781cb6466b86979fa06:disqus

TV On The Radio's DLZ. Not bad.

Whenever someone mentions a jazz funeral it always reminds me of the video for Kid Koala's "Basin Street Blues"
Not a bad way to go.

Fuckin' grim around here today. Is this 'cause James Gandolfini died?
Personally, I couldn't even begin to think of something appropriate. But my Dad did mention once that he'd like Bob Marley's No Woman No Cry played at his funeral, and I haven't forgotten it. Seems like a nice choice to me.

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus I still wince whenever I have to load Word in Microsoft Office 2010 at work. So. Much. Clutter.

Do you, though? When you buy a ticket you know when the show will be. When you purchase a CD you have the opportunity to read reviews or hear singles beforehand. Giving this guy money in exchange for future output means you're banking on potential, rather than something tangible, though obviously he has a track

My favourite might be the woman who describes herself as a "Child Whisperer." I bet she makes her own dreamcatchers and windchimes out of upcycled materials.