
Huh. He's certainly more thoughtful and upfront than Eisley. It's hard for me to believe he'll actually be successful though. Asking people to fund his career is essentially like asking fans to finance him as though he were a business; I don't think there are enough people out there comfortable with the idea of

@avclub-de584085097dbcc290d237ea48ccd97c:disqus and it comes with a special foreword by Milton Berle (ghostwritten by Bobcat Goldthwait)!

Helping Yahoo scrape together enough cash to buy them would probably do the trick.

Your momma's going on a date. Can you dig that? A date.

@avclub-85b0faa88b92483cbe957df7eb9602cd:disqus Herbert Kornfeld RIP! Mourn ya 'til I join ya.

Speaking of, where's Rincewind?

Holy shit there is a lot of crazy going on in that Kickstarter page.

…actually, I think he'd be substantially shittier after injecting so much stuff into his ass.

For the best, I guess. I really wasn't up to it.
Spread love, people. No more Stalins. No more Hitlers. No more Sluggos.

Public Announcement: I am now funding a Kickstarter to raise the time and money neccessary for me to understand the joke made by @avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus 
Donations of $20 or more will get their names added to a downloadable thank-you list in .pdf form.

Very good points, but I think when it comes to touring (and if anyone who knows the music business better wants to jump in and correct me, please do) the thing is that going on tour represents a big initial outlay in cash on behalf of the band. You put together the money/pay for a lot of the things you need to tour

But he was able to make his voice sound just like James Earl Jones.

I'm raising money to troll @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus! Eight grand and I'll cyberbully him until he leaves AV Club forever.

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus Rob Ford, a coward? But loudmouthed bullies are usually hiding a brave and deeply held sense of nobility!

There was a pretty big scandal in the world of indie comics (which is still a very small scandal, but bear with me) over the Sullivan's Sluggers comic book, when the creator started using Kickstarter just to sell off some stock.
To their credit Kickstarter suspended the campaign, but it does

(checks watch)

Well then guess what? You are qualified!

What's your rewards program like?

Rob Ford smokes crack because he's a man of the people, not some elitist riding the gravy-train to liberalville.
In all seriousness there's no reason Gawker shouldn't just pony up the cash for this themselves. It's another pretty good example of the growing abuse of Kickstarter etc.
I just really, really want to see the

There's really only one crowd-funded effort truly worthy of support: Gawker Media's attempt to raise two hundred grand to pay for a video of Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine.
Eight days left to get your donations in!