
Nobody gets to stay "normal" on this show. Remember when Cyril was the straight man, rather than a guilt-wracked sex-addict? Or when Cheryl was an unhappy secretary, rather than a sickly depraved sex addict? Or when Pam was a matronly office councillor, rather than a hedonistic, omnivorous sex addict?
Now they're all

I would honestly put Frisky Dingo season two up against anything Archer's done. Or just about any comedy show, for that matter.

Welcome to six months ago. It's all about Dog Party now.

I was really hoping Todd would watch Frisky Dingo for TV Club classic, but it seems like it's not really on his radar.
Maybe he'll do it if I complain some more.

"He is hands down the most boring-est man on this entire planet of earth."
I like that Archer and Mallory apparently have late-night drunken bitch sessions with each other. Fits right in with their weird co-dependent relationship. It even seems a little bit sweet.Y'know, relatively.

I would have liked to have seen… Hannah Montana.

I think that was the exact moment Archer started to like Ron.

Anyone else notice all the gasoline drums in the car Archer and Ron were riding in? When Archer said they had to jump out I was convinced an explosion was imminent. 
Incipient, even.

Look out everybody, here comes Nathan Rabin!

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus Abi gezunt.

So wherever it says Stalin, just plug in General Zod?

Apple cider, cinnamon and vodka.

…and if you're out of earshot, your name is Goy.

Yes, if you can imagine such a thing.

Take your crypto-fascist agenda elsewhere, @avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus

Mind. Blown.

Is that a real place though? I can't find it on Yelp.

Don't handicap me.

I heard they're going to call the movie Night At The Museum 3.