If you're a really evil mogul you can get promoted to nazgul.
If you're a really evil mogul you can get promoted to nazgul.
Wolves in Alaska are made of computers? So that's why they're so deadly!
But seriously, the wolves in this movie are actually supposed to represent Bear Stearns. It's kind of a complicated metaphor.
Ruh roh!
Coat a knife with honey and leave it upright in the ground. The wolf will smell the honey and begin to lick the blade, slicing open its tongue. The smell of blood will excite the wolf and it will continue licking the knife until it bleeds to death.
Who's the real four-legged carnivorous pack animal here?
"He's just trying to get home to his wife and - uh… hmm."
Edit: I am now worried that someone will take my joke about Neeson having sex with his wife in a way that's offensive. I mean, more offensive than it was supposed to be. I mean, I wasn't joking about his actual wife being dead. I mean… I should probably just…
The interwebs is a series of tubes.
That dress she had on during the quickfire looked like she'd just taken one of Colicchio's shirts and ripped the sleeves off.
I've always been dubious about that sort of "it's your fault for watching this" kind of thing. It feels more like the people who made it are refusing to own up to their own sadism than anything.
I'm drunk! And I'm not very bright.
What are we talking about?
In all fairness, sometimes the police do investigate themselves, just to reassure the public that they are always not guilty.
I am really one to pick at grammar, so I'm going to jump on it if you don't.
I notice Mohd edited his post to reference the guitarist but didn't change "alot."
C'mon man. I demand linguistic purity.
Gerhardt von Göll.
Two words is a lot.
There is a diffrance.
It's an easy mistake to make.
They both have beards.
Beethoven is handicapable. He doesn't even need a wheelchair! Not like that lazy Stephen Hawking guy.
It can't get here soon enough, then.
You would say that, Ludwig.
I'm always shocked when the worm actually turns, but I don't see it happening. I do see people starting to lose faith in the U.S. political process, but that's just given us the Tea Party.
I don't buy into any kind of Christopher Hedges-style "modern America is the Weimar Republic" type stuff, but things are going to…
So your mom wants Rick Santorum to win? Or Ron Paul? Or Michelle Bachmann?