
I thought it was the tagline.


Yes, he wears one too.

We'll send you guys some weed on the Swayze Express.

Did your friends have fruit? Because they will take away your fruit.

There's still hope left to breed it successfully. Beavers will sometimes claim to mate for life, but even a casual observer can tell you that isn't true.

Ah yes, back bacon. The Ministry of Foreign affairs actually suggests waving it in the faces of U.S. citizens when encountering a difficult situation while travelling in the States. In fact, Canadian embassies will usually recommend this course of action in most overseas disputes.

Night of the Living Bros!
Experience the terror! In 3-D!

Winnipeg actually successfully petitioned to block Nickelback from playing the opening game of the city's hockey team. Too bad a similar Detroit petition failed.

Ah yes, the noble Justin Beaver, our national animal, renown for it's thick, luxurious pelt. Can you believe our current government wants to drop it in favour of the polar bear?

"waxing metaphorical about war during wartime…"
We are still at war, aren't we? Ten years now. Honestly, most days I don't even notice anymore.

"Out Getting Ribs."
Why would a crocodile want bananas anyway?

Sorry everybody. But this is what we do here in Canada. We keep the best bands to ourselves and export shit like Nickelback down south.
Blame the lack of real border security, if you must.

Is that how ODB explained it?

Sort of like whites, except that they don't get the benefit of the doubt on things.

Coach McGuirk, on the other hand, is probably not such a great role model.
"Brendon, there's nothing wrong with lying to women. Or the government. Or your parents. Or god."

What about Fred Dryer? He's still the only NFL player to get two safeties in a single game.
Plus, he was TV's Hunter.

"A fruit bat! That's it! I shall dress as a piece of fruit - a different kind every month and use a bat, or, rather, a club, to strike pain into the heads of wrongdoers!"

You'll be fine, you're fat.