
Shia Labeouf. It's always Shia Labeouf.

Well, what do you expect them to do, King Bastard? Just "create" some kind of new story? Where are they supposed to get it from, huh? Out of the air?

"…and hardened Crips shrink from his approach."
I hope when Marcel steps out of the Top Chef studios and into the parking lot he finds some Crips waiting for him.

Marcel's show will air after Blais's and feature original dishes that have no relation to the cooking of Richard Blais or Wylie Dufresne.

I noticed that they didn't have to buy a bunch of tacky shit to decorate the front-of-house this year, though.

Yeah, they've pulled out some great stuff to throw at the contestants. The "cook what kicked you out" elimination was diabolical.

Can't argue with Blais getting the win but it would have been nice to see Fabio get rewarded for his front-of-house work. I guess he'll just have to console himself with those "seven or eight" phone numbers he got.

Haven't seen it but it wouldn't surprise me that Blais goes all deer-in-the-headlights for a scripted commercial.

Like a boa, swallowing an ostrich egg.

I'd rather be the last man on Mars, like in that Ray Bradbury story. Being stalked for decades by the last fatass woman.
No fat chicks > Repopulate the human race

Never tell me the odds!

You gonna take care of me, Sergeant Carver? You gonna look after me? You gonna take care of me?

@ The Deputy Mayor of Simpleton Barney's character is, like many of Mordecai Richler's protagonists, based on himself. And Richler, an unattractive, rumpled, overweight man, attracted much better looking women on the basis of his an enormous capacity to charm. Also, the crime element is pretty undercooked in the book

Arcade Fire should give a good show
It looks like they're tanned, rested and ready.

I thought Judi Dench was his beard.

I hope there's a montage sequence where his band starts playing bigger and bigger shows, and they get to show him enjoying his success before the inevitable downfall arc kicks in.

For a racially sensitive movie like this, you have to find a black actor who's popular with white America.
The obvious choice is Will Smith.

You know who are gay retards? Theater critics.

Laws against carrying concealed organ harvesters are just another example of the ridiculous and unconstitutional amount of government interference in everyday people's lives.

It's easy to see why they'd like it. Forrest Gump is basically an American fairy tale.