
It's in the bible!

My favourite scene was the tearjerker childhood flashback to fat camp.

They put recent tweets about the show next to those bravo clips. This is the one I saw when I clicked on your link.

As the above have said, this gets mentioned every season. Supposedly it dates back to the original head-shaving incident with Marcel. When Colicchio heard what happened he wanted to kick all the chefs who took part in it off the show, and the story goes that the producers had to intervene to stop him. Since then

A Contract with God
So I've got the "A Contract with God" trilogy and it includes the Dropsie avenue stories. But I came across a copy of the Dropsie avenue book once and it seemed to include some stories I didn't recognize or at least be ordered differently. Which is funny because Eisner's stuff is very deliberately

Self awareness? I'm still not sure if I'm laughing at it or laughing with it.

MM.. Food?

What's purple and blue and gasps for breath? A baby with a bag over its head.
What's green and yellow and sits in the corner? The same baby two weeks later.

2011 would be nice…

The internet made you, the internet will break you. It is the Ouroboros, and it devours bands alive. Pray it doesn't notice you.
That said I'll take front row seats for the Sleigh Bells implosion. Who could have predicted such a thing? Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Apes 'N' Rapes.

"…the track about how cool it would be to watch the heroes of African-American history play on an Olympic basketball team"

Some good stuff in here
I liked that Blood of Abraham track, but I am Jewish and enjoy being pandered to.
Plenty of people want to see themselves as an angry black man, but there probably aren't a lot of record sales in inviting listeners to picture themselves as angry Hasids.

That show sounds too beautiful for this world.

Whoa, I totally forgot about The Secret of NIMH. Probably because it spooked the hell out of me as a kid. That and the old Watership Down cartoon. I think I hid under a table after the scene when the rabbit warren gets bulldozed.
Why is it that the best children's entertainment is the stuff that actively sets out to

Fullmetal Alchemist had one of the best endings I've seen on TV, period. Also FLCL should be added to the list.

If someone asks Jerry to point the way to Israel, he doesn't get offended.

I caught about fifteen minutes of All Dogs Go To Heaven a while back and what I saw held up pretty great.

What's with all the negativity in this review?
Sure, Wipeout is retarded. That's the point. It's just a stupid little show to watch when you get home drunk at three a.m. It's the television equivalent of a YouTube clip of cats running into walls. It seems like a waste of time to hate on something so innocuous.

You can still find Takeshi's Castle on YouTube, I know that. I don't remember any girls in bikinis, but there was plenty of casual sadism.