You can teach defense, though. I'm not gonna name names, but with some teams sure, Ellis would be one of those "power play specialists" who's in the minus column every night. But teams like Detroit and Nashville know how to develop players.
You can teach defense, though. I'm not gonna name names, but with some teams sure, Ellis would be one of those "power play specialists" who's in the minus column every night. But teams like Detroit and Nashville know how to develop players.
In the producer's defense, Jamie's made it pretty easy for them by looking so useless. Not evil, necessarily. Just out of her depth.
Who would have thought she'd stick around longer than Jen?
I'd love to eat at Susur's restaurant in Toronto. The man should have won Top Chef Masters for sure. But would it be rude to say that if I met him? I'm not sure.
Man, I was impressed when I thought he had planned it beforehand. That's even better.
I'm surprised Fabio did so well. He's said before he knows nothing about Chinese food, yet he was earning praise from Susur at the end of the day. I used to think Fabio had more personality than ability, but he's been a competent competitor in a season with a deep talent pool.
I didn't see his original season, but Marcel's slick move was the first time I've ever been impressed with the little fucker. Of course, he ruined it about five minutes later by bitching that the judges still had the flavour notes from his dish in their mouths when they went to taste Isabella's.
Colicchio's been doing…
It was his original audition tape. Ten minutes of Fabio walking around with his turtle.
Needless to say, his phone was ringing about fifteen seconds after the producers finished watching it.
Suck it, Andrew Earles
AV Club eats its own!
I really like the casual pace of these things. Of course, that's always been one of the AV Club's hallmarks. It's nice that mid-interview Sean and Earl can just share a laugh about getting stoned and watching ALF.
Like JJ said, the World Juniors weren't really a big deal up here in Canada until TSN decided to make them a big deal by promoting the hell out of them. That said, it's entertaining hockey. The players aren't fully grown yet so there's more room out there on the ice, and despite the fact that they're highly skilled…
And then Udo Kier falls in love with the monster with the big tits!
I'd still feel better if we could get a Dan Savage second opinion on this.
@LetEnglandShake (whiny noise) The ballot was indecisive!
Look to your right. There still are.
I'm just gonna watch The Wire again.*
"Hello, Tripp. How would you like to be trained as a weapon?"
Square peg, round fuk hol?
So what would your horrible band be called?
Syphilitic Nun
Ashley Swallows
Shit-Hot Shark
Hamster Hell
I like the simplicity of Big Fuckin Skull. It feels like they're just belabouring it with an explanation. You don't really need to know what it does or what it wants. It's just a big fuckin' skull.