
It must be difficult to decide where to put something so versatile. Where do you stick a Fuk Hol?

"I was Christian von Meruh, his assistant, who falls in love with the girl with the big tits."

Holy fuck this guy is charming.

I brought my own cayenne pepper.

It's also a good idea to actually fold the top corner of a page when someone approaches you to speak, as though you are marking your place in the book. Little touches like this will make it look like you actually are reading, and your refusal to employ a bookmark will make you seem more bohemian and avant-garde.

Ah yes, "Donner un bisous avec pain de vainde…" As the young lovers do in Paris.

Gaipukos nailed it. AD builds on itself, so it takes a little while to really catch a full head of steam. Stick with it.

That's not the wallet inspector!

I never knew tennis players were actual people. I always just assumed it was some sort of yuppie in-joke.

I will bet you a thousand dollars you can't. If you win, I will pay you your thousand dollars in VHS and Beta copies of "Jocks."

I heard the bums haven't really been a problem there since people took to bashing them with tennis rackets.

I heard the studio wanted something a little more poppy, but you'd think he would have fought back a little.

Submission was actually a last-minute add-on to the album.


I like Elizabeth Elmore's mousy little voice. She sounds like the kind of girl who really does go to a show and end up taking more stuff than she can handle.

I would lose "Revolution Rock" off that album while I was at it. The Clash wrote some great Reggae songs, but that's not one of them.

The telephone is ringing… is that my mother on the phone?

With Neo-Nazi kung-fu grip!
Skull Hawk "worked as a hired mercenary during… the European Final Solution"

Those kids will get nothing and like it.

For full pleasure of experience the female!
Orgasm starts with the sexy shape for tube.