
Whoa, I'm famous
Thanks for answering my question AV Club!


…and pretty tasteless, considering he had prostate cancer.

I will return back here to read it, on a single day every year.
Will we meet again on that day? I'll leave that to serendipity.

Randy can't be in the movie, because then the Star Whackers would get him. Now, a documentary, on the other hand…

And the reverse vampires? How do they fit in?

Eat your heart out, Joaquin Phoenix
Can we get these two a reality TV series?

Forget the title. You can always judge a book by the cover.
If it has a picture of a robot or a spaceship, it's science fiction.
If it has a pink cover or a woman's body from the neck down, it's chick lit (the absence of a face allows a female reader to see herself as the protagonist).
If it has raised lettering or a

There will be no Christmas goose for that gimp Tiny Tim.

Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have expected anything other than a face saving move. Also I will cut you some slack because your username cracks me up.

I wanted to like The Walking Dead, but the show seemed to be doing its best to convince me otherwise, so I pulled the plug.
I wasn't even going to watch Terriers until I read the AVClub recap, and by the end of the first episode I was looking forward to the next one.
So of course The Walking Dead was a hit and Terriers


Tintin had a mauser, the sea Captain had a pipe, but Snowy got it done with a discarded bone and a puddle of scotch.

*On screen text: It's Not The Size Of The Dog In The Fight…
*Bull terrier gets dropped into dogfighting ring against much bigger opponent
*Montage of Hank and Britt fighting Zeitland's goons, chasing down Lindus, breaking in to Lindus's safe, Britt riding his motorcycle, Hank fighting with Gustafson ect.
*On screen text:

Make sure your add campaign features cartoon cats recreating scenes from Gattica. Otherwise people will never know what your show is about.

Yes, you clearly don't have a lot of time on your hands.

Terriers: Too Small To Survive Being Set Up To Fail


The dressed up Wishbone in the cutest centipede costume for Naked Lunch!

So the marketing department wasn't to blame?
Well then, I guess it must have been the terrible writing. Or maybe it was the leaden acting. The absence of real humour or emotion?