
Yeah, the word fuck has been around for centuries but I understand in the time when Deadwood is set swearing had more of a blasphemous nature like Todd said. As for the 1920s, when you read books by Hemingway from around the same era he sometimes writes profanity as "-" or "unprintable" but I've never taken that to

Cab we get whataworkout and Don Incognito to post next to each other? I want to see those two Orpheus avatars working in sync.

"Did they speak that way then?"
On Deadwood, the profanity always felt organic even though it was a total anachronism. On Boardwalk Empire, the way they liberally toss the word "fuck" around always sounds out of place to me. How often did they swear back then, really?

Whatever you do, don't ask for a Szechuan steamer. That shit burns.

Lucky for you they have vomitoriums.

Shit. I had managed to repress that until now. That was back when children's entertainment actively set out to make kids cry.

Korea's where they play Starcraft, right?

The bad guys always have the best uniforms. Well known fact.

What about books?
Plenty of talk about TV and movies here, but what about when a book you're reading gets spoiled? You can sit through a movie in a couple of hours, but some books take a lot of time to read, and it can be brutal to make that investment and then have an ending ruined for you. What especially bothers me

Fuck him twice!

Huge spikes! They're wonderful and frightening and they go into the sides of your neck and they replace all your blood.

Agreed, tonight's was great. And it was nice to see Rusty temporarily drop his mask of callow disregard and show some sympathy for his son. And promise to perform unspeakable sexual acts to a teddy bear.

Her tits are like the kids in the chemo ward, still dreaming about what they're going to be when they grow up.

I know it's not fair to compare them this early, but Deadwood had both boobs and great writing. Boardwalk Empire isn't really there yet, but I'll watch the one while I wait for the other to come around.

The first time he said 'Mom' I heard it as 'Maude.' But then he said it again and started talking about how she hocked her jewels to keep a roof over their heads…
Didn't she also say she thought he was dead? I wonder if he even wrote while he was in France.

Maybe Phantom Limb's electric arm powered the toaster.

That still doesn't explain how a toaster fired a clip though.

I didn't even read the article, I just skipped down here for the bitchy comments.

Skunk Ape, your brother's blood cries out to me from the first.

Beat me to it. I was fucking psyched to see her (Molly Parker) pop up in a cameo. Every great show needs a little link to Deadwood. Throw in The Sopranos, The Shield and The Wire and you've got one hell of a pedigree.