That's a vamp on the make and no mistake.
That's a vamp on the make and no mistake.
I was hooked as soon as I saw the intro sequence, with an immaculately attired Buscemi standing on the beach as the tide brings in hundreds of liquor bottles. That's fucking style, people.
I have one over my kitchen table. I worry that it will make me look pretentious, but I think it's nicely undercut by the stack of newspapers and old pizza boxes.
You could always buy Chuck: The Complete Third Season. If only it were out on DVD.
What if you were on horseback?
You're a loose cannon Cody!
He went into the washroom an old man and yet… now he looks so youthful!
It's too bad she won't live! But then again, who does?
I've only just come to them recently myself. I don't know how good their deeper cuts are, but the number of anthemic, effortlessly catchy guitar rock songs I've already found by them makes me looks forward to working through the full package.
I pirated it a few days ago and I'm going to shell out for the CD copy at my local record store in a week or two. Best of both worlds?
Yeah, it's been a few albums since they broke up, I know.
I saw her first!
Get Propeller and Under the Bushes Under the Stars.
Yeah, it took me a while to let Now We Can See sink in, I remember that. I was expecting more of the same after The Body, The Blood, The Machine. Eventually I got what they were going for.
Anyway, the album's only about half an hour long, but the one-two three punch of "I Don't Believe You" "Never Listen To Me" and…
Agreed. The Thermals have always been an emotion-driven band, but this sounds like their most introspective album yet. I don't want to speculate on Hutch Harris's motives when he wrote the songs, but to me it almost sounds like they could be a post-mortem on his breakup with Kathy Foster. Or some failed relationship…
They just finally realised that no-one reads Decider.
If we're talking range, the answer is Guided By Voices. They could go from good to bad so quickly on the same album it would give you whiplash.
I was a teenage anarchist/Looking for revolution
Now I'm a middle-aged man/Making lots of excuses
Good call on Joseph Heller. 'Something Happened' had all the verve and pacing of a textbook.
Brutal Youth was great, and totally does not get enough recognition.