I'm guessing they keep bringing Spike back because a) everyone remembers that asshole and b) it's not like his restaurant is busy…
I'm guessing they keep bringing Spike back because a) everyone remembers that asshole and b) it's not like his restaurant is busy…
Agreed, that at least got a laugh out of me.
I wonder what's going to become dated quicker - my optimism for this season, or tonight's lazy topical references?
It's not a typo. I'm from Brooklyn, use guys.
"What have I done."
You looked so happy with that machine gun. A pity it had to end…
Hey Warren, I saw The Wild Bunch just the other day.
I cracked up when you drunkenly introduced the gang to your new Mexican 'fiance.'
Some of use got here earlier than others.
Agreed about Bender. Even his being forced to constantly party in 'Rebirth' never seemed to actually result in anything funny.
I'd prefer Fry and Leela just sticking together to a contrived breakup and another climb aboard the will-they-or-won't-they merry-go-round, so I'm glad the show didn't immediately try to force…
Yeah, I'm worried we're going to get something like the more recent Simpsons seasons. Same package, diminished flavour. Sticker on the outside: 'Now 110% more wacky!'
But we'll see.
With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!
Each movie has its defenders (except maybe Bender's Game) but they were all pretty uneven. I'm hoping that was just because of the weird balancing act they had to pull as TV episodes.
I thought Space Ghost took care of them.
Downtown Toronto is actually enclosed by a massive fence right now in anticipation of the inevitable G20 riot.
I was at SARSstock, Jorge. We pelted Justin Timberlake with the water bottles we had to stand in line a full hour to buy.
Of course, nothing beats a good hockey riot. This past spring, a flaming Montreal Cop Car even had a twitter account.
Why not both?
Clearly psychosomatic.
Spread your legs, and think of England.