
A+ stuff.  I rewound the scene in Winona's house a few times.  Raylan (and Winona) owned those guys.

Now I want to hear Boyd Crowder say, "Watch out for those man-eatin' jackrabbits….and those killer cacti."

The podcasts that the BSG and LOST showrunners both released each week were a far better way of connecting with fans than hiring Chris Hardwick to bounce around in a chair and talk to celebs.

“In this life now, you kill or you die." - sounds a lot like something Cersei once told Ned. 
And that ending with the new people coming into the prison and the heartfelt music playing seemed like it was trying to recall some of the reunions on LOST, except that we only barely knew a few of the people coming to the

"I hate this hacker crap!"

Yeah they aren't what I pictured.

Why not just make the show about different characters in the same universe instead of getting knock off versions of the original characters?

Joel Murray?

it really is terrible

"Not cool, Payne Stewart."

"Oh snap!" - me, twice during this episode.

Millennials love 3rd Rock from the Sun reruns

Mags Bennett and Rodney Ruxin cannot be related.


Last year, Best Buy wouldn't sell me a copy of the David Fincher version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" because I didn't have my ID on me.  I was 30 years old and had previously bought plenty of R rated entertainment at Best Buy sans ID.  I told the cashier that I was obviously over 17, and that I had already

" 'Comedown Machinehead' the Strokes' Tribute to 'Sixteen Stone' "

"In west Mississippi born and raised, on the plantation was where I spent most of my days"

One does not simply lens flare in Mordor…

Just saw this on dvd. This was so much better than Brave.  Now I want a Super Smash Bros. movie.

Just saw this on dvd. This was so much better than Brave.  Now I want a Super Smash Bros. movie.