
Scott Stapp.

that version of Danger Zone was so horrible.   (Here's a bit of trivia I picked up watching the special features of the Top Gun Blu-ray: Toto was going to record Danger Zone but dropped out at the last minute.  Kenny Loggins was already recording "Playing with the Boys" for the volleyball scene, so they just gave

I liked it, but I wonder if I would have liked it a little more if it had aired in November. Here we are getting ready for March Madness and Daylight Saving Time and they are making sweet potato casserole jokes.

First Raylan, now Art! (and Unser/Charlie Utter!)

Perfect music for ordering tomato soup on a rainy day.


Their entire reason for living will evaporate when Phillip and Elizabeth see Yakov Smirnoff on the Tonight Show and realize just how awful Soviet Russia actually is by listening the pointed observations of his comedy.

Where is the puppet dean?

Nicolas Winding Refn.  The entire movie is Bond driving his Aston Martin around various exotic locales and listening to a synth version of the Bond theme.

I like that Constable Bob and the guys in the house were having an A-team style shootout where nobody gets hit.

"Not you Chet, you look like a dinosaurs tampon. Boom! Bumper!"

Regarding the decreased budget angle in the article, one show that suffered a lot from that was "Chuck."  If you compare Seasons 1-2 to the rest of the seasons, it's night and day with regards to production value (it really stood out on a spy comedy).  I'm glad that show continued even with a reduced budget, and I'm

I probably liked this one more than the other three.  I laughed out loud at Abed's chair going down in the "broken chair study room".  I thought it was B or B+.

So this is how River Song comes by Captain Jack's vortex manipulator, right?

My spidey sense tells me that something is wrong with disqus.

Ace was the air guy, Max Ray did water missions, and Jake Rockwell was the land specialist.  Jake did have a helicopter rotor on one of his suits, though.  I bet Max got really bummed out when Jake and Ace were flying around and he was stuck waving at them from the water (see also Aquaman).

"That makes you criminals, but it don't make you outlaws.  I AM THE OUTLAW." A+

Panic on the campus of ULM

Would Hannah have really not known what an old computer looks like?  She's supposed to be mid twenties.  Anybody born in the 80's would have seen computers like those in the back of Jessa's dad's car.