
This movie was pretty good, and Denzel deserves his Oscar nomination, but that ending is awful.   He says he's been in prison for 13 months and will be there for a while longer.  I've got to think that he could have gotten a heck of a plea bargain based on being able to land the plane like that and save that many

"I'm Lester Holt, filling in for Brian Williams, who is in Brooklyn tonight suggesting to Lena Dunham new, creative ways for his daughter to not appear nude in the HBO series 'Girls'."

When I first saw this on twitter, I assumed an overdose based on her past problems, but apparently she shot herself on her front porch.

I really liked this movie.  Jennifer Lawrence was fire and Bradley Cooper was really good.  My only complaint is that as a Cowboys fan, I felt wronged being emotionally manipulated into hoping the Eagles would win for the sake of Pat's family.

I really liked this movie.  Jennifer Lawrence was fire and Bradley Cooper was really good.  My only complaint is that as a Cowboys fan, I felt wronged being emotionally manipulated into hoping the Eagles would win for the sake of Pat's family.

"Krieger why is barry spaceshipping away from the space station?"


The "ghosts can't walk through doors, they aren't fire" is a callback to Chang's line during the heist episode last season when he said "fire can't go through doors, it's not a ghost"  (or something like that)

(In voice of Storm from 90's cartoon) "Evildoers, behold the mighty Rains of Castamere!"

This is not ah-mah-zing

I've got a soft spot for 80's and 90's country because I grew up with it.  It's not Johnny Cash, but it's better than "Truck Yeah!"  People can hate on Garth Brooks for his part in creating the monster that is modern mainstream country, but he was a lot better than what has come after.  

I once put peanuts in my Coke.

And if this show has to continue to exist, I think Ryan Hardy should be portrayed by Nicholas Cage from here on out. Imagine him saying "Classic Poe."

Kevin Bacon should have just guest starred on Justified this season as an FBI profiler that helped on Raylan's cold case and also maybe hooked up with Winona.

The Bob Marley tribute was fun, as Timberlake's big comeback.  The Levon Helm tribute was good as well.  I was nervous because it was Zack Brown and Mumford, but they did well and it was really nice for Mavis Staples to be there.

I can't imagine Hannah from Girls trying to survive the zombie uprising.

Sometimes I feel like I need to turn up the brightness level on my tv just to see what's going on when they are wandering the woods at night on this show.

I'm craving absinthe and milk after this episode.  Also afraid to sit on the toilet.

I didn't think it was that bad. No worse than some of the early season 1 episodes.  I felt like they just wanted to pack too many things into one episode.  You've got them dealing with the return to school (and their last year), plus parodies of Hunger Games and multi-cam sitcoms.  It is troubling that they had to