
Urban Cowboy came out in 1980 so I think there would have still been a fad with cowboy boots when this takes place

It would look like the Danger Zone!

It's every marching band director's favorite Fleetwood Mac song.

Airwolf originally opened with a close up shot of the helicopter hovering in the desert and the "whirling" sound before going into the theme music.  When the original cast got replaced by Canadians, they changed the credits to show the pilot flipping all the switches to start the helicopter.  (8 year old me didn't

It's going to be in IMAX 3D, right?

"I believe he hung up on me."

*gets shot in knee with bean bag

"I don't really know what the accent is." "English." "I speak English, that doesn't really sound like English."

Bring back Justice League Unlimited

The first half of the album is okay, but it really goes into a "Tailspin" toward the end.

Crazy to think that Darkwing Duck had such humble beginnings as Launchpad's side project.

Now I want all the killers on the show to do the Ray Lewis dance in a Poe mask.

In the season finale the FBI will be looking for a killer at a Redskins game, but Kevin Bacon will figure out in a "shocking" twist that the killer is actually at the Ravens game! Surprise! [classic Poe]

I hadn't heard a Deftones song in a long time until this episode.


Suspects are the A-Team and a bunch of Storm Troopers

Suspects are the A-Team and a bunch of Storm Troopers

Thanks for the heads up

"Wrong kid died!"