I thought the same thing
I thought the same thing
I had to stop reading his reviews around the time Peter vanished from the timeline. I felt like every review he wrote that season was just beating the same dead horse week after week. I don't know what his reviews were like after that, but I skimmed his review of the series finale that Noel linked to and it was…
I don't always cry on Saturday mornings, but when I do, it's because I'm watching the Fringe finale.
I will miss Fringe. I've enjoyed the heightened "us against the world" final season, but I saw a rerun of an old episode on the Science Channel and realized how much I miss the sci-fi procedural aspect of the show. I will have to keep an eye out for a discounted box set appearing on Amazon later on. Best wishes to…
"Astro! Bring wood and oil!"
Bert Macklin is on a roll. First the Bin Laden raid, and now he's running post patterns for Andrew Luck.
Bert Macklin is on a roll. First the Bin Laden raid, and now he's running post patterns for Andrew Luck.
Senor Cardgage http://www.homestarrunner.c…
The originals spinoff has to have Elijah, for starters. I think it would a good way to continue to use characters that people like without wearing out their welcome in Mystic Falls. It would be nice to use some different settings than small town USA for the spinoff.
"I'm making a molotov cocktail!" "Not with Irish Creme, you aren't."
Just keep importing shows from our neighbors to the north.
Will this be like the TBS "Very Funny"/TNT "We Know Drama" dichotomy?
I just got free digital copies of the Darkness' "Permission to Land" and A.F.I. "Sing the Sorrow". Ah, 2003.
?Cual es Muchacho Solo?
Perverts! Yew ain't gon' take our draw!
Brought to you by Rain-X!
They should have called the warden "Amazon Prime".
The review is right. This show has the ingredients to be fun if it chose to be, but it is mostly boring. It is good to put on when I'm more interested in reading the AV Club than watching tv, so I suppose I'll keep DVR'ing it for background noise and hoping it improves.
So this isn't based on the John Mayer album of the same name?