Mr. Guapo

The correct answer is John Sayles' Lone Star.

Edit: This comment makes no sense at the top of the thread. It should be at the bottom. Yes, I'm doing it wrong.


A pretty excellent character in many ways. We don't get much of a hint of the people that past Slayers leave behind. They have families — heck, even kids — plus Watchers who grow attached. As in "Fool for Love":

I know this is unrelentingly fanboy of me, but one tiny detail destroyed "First Date" for me:

Just to beat the metaphor to a loud and messy death, Buffy = The Kinks.

One reason Storyteller was such a hoot — Buffy begins to give a speech and Andrew breaks away in boredom.

Gary Busey can also be killed by a Predator. But a Predator can be killed only by Danny Glover.

>> Does molesting children mean glam rock to you?

It's an allegory of being gay in America
If gay people had superhuman strength and speed, and the occasional urge to kill people, and had their own uberviolent justice system that throws 1,000 years of common law out the window. But really, can't they be tolerated?

Director: Props! What have we got for the scary Mugato monster?