Mr. Guapo

What is up with that? Went to the U.S. recently and everywhere it's IPA. I like IPA but I like variety. Also this Imperial Stout thing has GOT to stop.

Not so long ago I saw the 300 sequel on an airplane. I was surprised at the level of violence, especially since it had one of those messages at the beginning that said it had been edited for content.

Hey that's my password!

"Pet Sematary" the book scared the bejeezus out of me, so much so that I had to go to the doctor and get bejeezus injections later. So much of the backstory is suggested rather than shown and the ending is disturbingly ambiguous. And overall, King captures a parent's worst fears.

You have handful or so of gems, a handful of middling works, and a TON of absolute bombs.

I see what you did there, @disqus_e7q0urCs89:disqus , and you win at least one-third of the internet today. One-quarter at worst.

All solid points. And agree that family bonds, trust and accepting who you are — even if you're middle-aged and not as powerful as you think you are — make "The Incredibles" one of the deepest and most compelling movies of the past couple of decades.

I have long defended this movie as much more nuanced on the subject of superior people being allowed to do their thing. "I'm sure that's not what Brad Bird intended!"

This movie is nearly perfect.

Fred Ward or GTFO.

C'mon folks. Johnny Boy! After all, you was the generation that bought more shoes and you get what you deserve.

Never watched a single episode but I'm pissed, because I need to be pissed about something. Is there anything to be angry about in 2017?

People I respect have somewhat persuaded me that the two can't be compared. "Infernal Affairs" is a lean and mean action movie, goes this argument, while "The Departed" aims at gothic themes and class tensions.

"Infernal Affairs" is a better movie than "The Departed."

"Ernest Borgnine."

"You had a shotgun?"

He sounds like a blast at parties.

A correction is required: Amy Adams is a deeply talented — and smoking hot — bowl of oatmeal. I'd have a hard time thinking of someone better for the role.

Yeah but it gets tricky when you say dumb people interbreed and create more dumb people, faster than smarter people do.

That's because it does have a weird, disturbing eugenics-y vibe, says this asshole.