
It's less that they'd love her, and more that she was actively trying to prove herself better than Kamilah. She wanted success so that she could lord it over someone.

I'm aware of it; part of the ubiquity of "Florida Man" stories are due to the state having very open government records (including arrest reports). Weird shit happens everywhere, it's just more easily searchable when it happens in Florida.

Between this show and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Schur's taken a lot of pot shots at Florida. What the hell happened to him down there that filled him with so much rage at the place?

The CW app has all of this season for free, no login required, if you need a way to catch up.

Chuck Tingle is a national treasure.

It was for the show's 20th anniversary.

It's not like Jersey's all that far from Philly, either..

It's happened more than once over the years. I remember seeing a 20/20 segment on it in the late 90's, and there have been at least two more similar cases since then.

His manuscript was enormous, argued against itself constantly, and never came to a clear point. I'd say that entirely fits with his actions this episode.

Yes we did. It had the Frida Kahlo latte art on it.

At least one that I know of. George Takei's play, Allegiance, is being broadcast next month. It's based on his experiences growing up in a Japanese internment camp during WWII.

Oh, God, Snowe would be great. There's actually a movement within the Electoral College right now asking GOP electors to write in Romney or Kasich's name instead of voting for Trump or Clinton. If they get enough people to defect so that Trump's total falls below 270, the House has to choose.

My Hulu shows me an onslaught of SuperPAC-made political attack ads (really nasty, hypocritical ones, too—my favorite is the one that criticizes the opposition for taking SuperPAC money). I'd kill for some rheumatoid arthritis ads right about now.

Are we certain that's who it is? The plaid is making me think it might be John Bender from The Breakfast Club, to be honest.

Leverage got pretty damn close.

I believe they also aired a performance of the show on PBS.

Yes. McBride is much more restrained than usual, which helps a lot, and the entire series is only going to be a limited run of two seasons, so the pacing is relatively tight. Plus Goggins is amazing in it, as always.

Shalhoub was fantastic in BrainDead this past summer, too. Stole every goddamn scene he was in as a mind-controlled Republican senator.

His casting is what got me to watch Vice Principals, as I can't stand Danny McBride.

Obligatory reminder that The Country Bears exists, which features Christopher Walken armpit-farting the 1812 Overture.